The EnteroTracker®

A quick, minimally invasive, office-based procedure to collect mucosal samples from the upper GI tract.

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Why Choose EnteroTracker®

EnteroTracker® stands as a breakthrough solution, addressing the limitations of traditional invasive diagnostic methods. With EnteroTracker®, you benefit from:
  • Continuous Monitoring: Track esophageal inflammation in EoE without repetitive invasive procedures, offering precise insights into disease progression and treatment responses.
  • Financial Relief: Significantly reduce healthcare costs for patients and the system, while ensuring wider accessibility in areas where endoscopy might not be available or affordable.
  • Groundbreaking Innovation: Supported by twenty years of thorough research, EnteroTracker® stands as a transformative force in the healthcare realm, offering precise, minimally invasive, and economically viable solutions..
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The Process


What is in the sample?

Collected samples represent a liquid biopsy of mucosal content, which can be analyzed by reference laboratories for biomarkers corresponding to disease status. Samples have been analyzed for proteins, microbiome, metabolome, and various cellular & nutritional byproducts.