Seemingly Endless Cycles of


and Biopsies?

Ask Your Doctor About EnteroTracker® and the Esophageal String Test®

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This breakthrough technique was created to avoid numerous cycles of endoscopy and biopsy procedures for monitoring upper digestive tract disorders


The New Era Of Gastrointestinal Sampling

Living with upper digestive tract conditions like Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) demands vigilant disease tracking and monitoring.

The current approach, reliant on frequent invasive endoscopy with biopsy, has driven healthcare expenses to a staggering $1.4 billion annually in the U.S. and relies on invasive procedures, which further burden patients. Costs and hardships have only escalated over the past two decades.

While generally safe, this standard diagnostic method has inherent limitations, underscoring the urgent necessity for a superior approach— one that is not only highly accurate but also minimally invasive and cost-effective.

EnteroTracker® and the Esophageal String Test® fill this critical gap, supporting:

  • Frequent monitoring of esophageal inflammation in EoE, eliminating the need for repetitive invasive procedures.
  • Precise insights into disease progression, treatment responses, and management, providing healthcare professionals with a more comprehensive understanding of disease activity.
  • A groundbreaking alternative that significantly reduces the financial strain on both patients and the healthcare system.
  • Accessibility in areas where endoscopy with biopsy might not be available or affordable, ensuring a wider reach of effective care.

EnteroTrack is For


Our Process Works in Four Simple Steps


Why EnteroTracker®?

Our innovation stands firmly on the foundation of two decades of rigorous research and unwavering dedication to solid science.

Centered around emerging gut health needs, we confront the challenges of upper gastrointestinal conditions head-on.

  • EoE

  • GERD

  • Barrett’s esophagus/esophageal adenocarcinoma

  • Gastritis

  • Food allergies

With pioneering research and an unwavering commitment to advancing healthcare, we equip health professionals and patients with efficient, powerful tools to navigate the health journey. Patients’ well-being drives every step we take.


The EnteroTracker® Gastrointestinal Sampling Difference

The EnteroTracker® supports minimally invasive procedures, which...

Doesn’t Require Sedation
Allows Professionals to Collect Samples Without Hassle
Is Ideal For All Age Groups
Can Be Done At A Healthcare Provider's Office

EnteroTracker®: Where Precision Meets Comfort


Health professionals prefer this sampling method as it:

  • Offers direct sampling from the upper gut for analysis of early disease markers
  • Samples GI luminal and mucosal fluid at the point of disease, which is superior to other sample types (blood, urine, stool, saliva)
  • Helps provide more granular information on disease progression
  • Improves monitoring as it is easy to administer
  • Has zero concerns regarding risks or adverse effects
  • Provides a cost-effective solution for reliable health insights

EnteroTracker® samples are well correlated to biopsy results:

  • The levels of eosinophil-derived granule proteins (MBP1, EoTax3) from the EnteroTracker® show excellent correlation to the gold standard of number of eosinophils per high field obtained using the gold standard: endoscopic biopsy.
  • EnteroTracker® samples show equivalent microbiome content to that found by endoscopic biopsy.
  • EnteroTracker® also collects DNA, RNA, proteins, and other biomarkers present in gastrointestinal mucosa.

This Cutting-Edge Sampling Is Changing The Future Of Upper Gut Monitoring

Ready to offer the freedom of fewer endoscopies and a clearer picture of their upper GI health to your patients while reducing strain on healthcare?



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